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Shan Hai Jing·Fei Fei

Size: 1100*1100*1700mm

Material: enamel, copper


The power of all things has always been a very important source of inspiration for Shi Jun's creation. The seven sculptures in this series are based on the famous Chinese myth "Shan Hai Jing". Some of them are auspicious beasts, and some are imaginary creatures extended by the ancients who feared nature. The artist believes that these animals contain human beings’ awe of nature. These beasts are the bridge between mortals and the natural world. These beliefs are always rooted in our culture as time goes by. The artist believes that all things will root their awe of nature in their DNA, and adapt to nature through the evolution of their organs. The artist emphasizes these evolution in his works, allowing viewers to visually feel the power of nature.

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